Meet our Team!


Meet the Staff!




Director - Laura

Laura is our dedicated and passionate Director. Laura began at the Teen Family Centre in 2011 as a Parent Support Worker, and has worked each role during her time at the Centre. Laura has a background in Childcare, Community Services and Disability Services.  Laura is passionate about creating safe, caring and fun environments for young parents and their children. 

Coordinator - Keely

Our coordinator keely  has been with the Teen Family Centre since 2019 and has a passion to provide quality care for children and young people who access the service. 

Keely can assist families with all matters and enquiries about the Childcare Centre and Young Parent Program, you can find Keely  in the office from Monday to Friday. 

You can contact keely on 9247 0291 or text/call on 0402 970 966


Parent Support Worker - Jackie

Our Parent Support Worker, supports the Young Parents to achieve their educational goals while they develop parenting and life skills through the Young Parent Program. The Parent Support Worker can assist parents with housing needs, centrelink claims, referrals to external services and provides case management. 

To get in touch with Jackie, you can call her on 9247 0291 or text/call on 0432 503 426

Educational Leader - Alana

Alana started with Teen Family Centre this year as our Educational Leader 2 days a week. She helps motivate, guide and support our educators with our delivery of our program and curriculum. Alana has been a fantastic addition to the team and has implemented some great improvements to our program delivery within the service. She is also an incredible mentor to all of our staff members. 

Centre Cook - Celeste

Celeste  started with this Teen Family Centre in 2023. You can find her cooking up amazingly healthy meals for the children in the Childcare Centre. If parents and families have any requests for food or meals to be provided, celeste is the person to speak to. She is at the centre every day from 8.00am until 1pm. 

Toddler Room Leader - Sharon G

Sharon G is our room leader in the Toddler room, caring for the children between the ages of 2 and 5 years.Sharon  engages with our families and provide updates to parents on their child's day at the childcare. Sharon is always available to chat, and happy to help out any families.

Baby Room Leader - Sharon B

Sharon B is our Room Leader in the Babies room and joined the Teen Family Centre in 2021. Sharon strives to create opportunities for children to develop and grow in a friendly learning environment. You can speak to Sharon at any time, you will find her creating amazing learning experiences for our babies aged 8 weeks up to 2 years. 

Qualified Educator - Annalise

Annalise is our Qualified Educator in the Toddler room, along with Keelyi. Annalise joined the Teen Family Centre in 2019. Some days, Annalise will bring in her pet rabbit, Donut, to join us in activities and meet the children. Donut is incredibly friendly and loves to cuddle. 

Qualified Educator - Anny

Anny is our longest standing Childcare Educator! she has been with the Teen Family Centre sine 2012 and enjoys the time she spends with the babies in the Babies Room. Anny is known as the "Baby Whisperer" as all the babies love her, and are drawn to her positive attitude. 


Assistant Educator- Shams 

Shams started with Teen Family Centre this year as a Certificate III . Shams is new to the Early Childhood and Education Industry but brings a great deal of knowledge and support. Makalah works between the babies and the toddler room and has been a valued addition to our team. 


Childcare Centre Pets

We have 3 pets here at the Teen Family Centre who we care for each day. Raven, Raptor and Hei-Hei are our 3 Silkie Chickens.   Our pets are included in our activities and visit us in the centre regularly to join in on our activities.