Young Parent Program
The Young Parent Program supports young parents who are Pregnant or caring for children. The Young Parent Program supports young parents to re-engaged into High School Education, obtain housing and income support, and build parenting and life skills.
The Young Parent Program is a free program.
The Teen Family Centre Childcare is based on the grounds of Balga Senior High School, this promotes the opportunity for young parents to utilise childcare while they are attending school. Young Parents are encouraged to attend the centre to breastfeed, change their babies and spend quality time with their child to nurture bonding and attachment.
The Childcare Cook provides three meals a day to all children enrolled at the Childcare. We take into consideration all allergies, intolerances and cultural requirements when feeding the children in the Childcare Centre. Lunch is also provided for breastfeeding and pregnant mothers.
Childcare Educators are available for the young parents to discuss their child's development, or answer any enquiries.
Parent Support
Young Parents involved in the Young Parent Progam have access to a Parent Support Worker. A Parent Support Worker's role is to:
- Ensure young parents are supported to complete their education.
- Support young parents to claim Centrelink and Income benefits
- Provide referrals to community services on request of young parents (for housing, parenting support etc)
- Work with the young parents to build parenting and life skills
- Provide transport to and from appointments.
- Provide community information to young parents on playgroups, health services and events
- Empower young parents on decision making and advocating for their children
Parent Support Workers are also available to support other parents with Centrelink enquiries, health services and program information, childcare enrolments and transport where neccessary.
Benefits of the Young Parent Program
- Parent Support Workers - who can provide case manangement, support, and make appropriate referrals as requested by the young person. The Parent Support Workers check in with the
- young parents every morning to ensure the parents are supported from the start of their day.
- Subsidised and affordable Childcare - inclusive of easy access during Recess and Lunch
- Transport to and from appointments
- Educational Support Teacher - facilitates Directive Study sessions for young people to catch up on school work, and check in with educational progress.
- Leave Passes - passes can be given to students that need to breastfeed or if they are experiencing any degree of separation anxiety, which is a very natural feeling for new parents. Our priority is to make this journey a gradual and comfortable experience, for both the parents and children alike, by being flexible and taking ‘baby steps’.
- Donations - baby items, clothes and furniture may be donated to the Teen Family Centre. All of which is given to the young parents of the program.
You can find more information or chat to the Parent Support Workers on our Facebook or Instagram. Alternatively, you can all us on 9247 0291 or visit our Enrolment page.

Find out about Teen Family Centre's services.
Childcare Centre
The Teen Family Centre childcare centre is fully accredited, achieving ratings of meeting in 5 quality areas and exceeding in 2.
Download Teen Family Centre documents.
Young Parents Program
The Young Parent Program supports young parents to return to High School while pregnant or caring for children.
Vacancies currently available in the Young Parent Program and Childcare. Make a referral today!